Getting Stopped in your Tracks
Have you ever heard news or information that just stops you in your tracks? It seems unbelievable. We listen, we hear, we are sure we don’t understand completely and it seems that there is no place to put the feelings we haven’t quite yet identified.
Often times we are absolutely sure that we know “what is coming”. Maybe it is news about a loved one or our own health tests… and sure enough, when we are told the diagnosis it not only isn’t what we thought it would be, we have no idea what they just shared with us. So, we head to the computer to find out “the meaning”. Now we know.
What we then don’t understand is that feeling inside of us. We search and yet we still don’t know. It may be that sense of shock and we find ourselves able to push it to the side immediately. As long as no one asks us about anything, we appear fine. In our private quiet moments we “leak” feelings. We tear up, we become silent, we try to breathe normally, we sing a happy song out loud or to ourselves – any distraction. It helps us cope. It works and we feel relief. Like a rollercoaster, when we acquire more information we can be comforted further or even panic.
Searching for “positives” that make us feel better can be futile. What does it take for you to reach out? Who is in your life that you will allow to comfort you? Seek them out. Share. Emote. Accept yourself as the person in need and rest with them.
Even though we all have our own coping mechanisms and our own timelines for handling circumstances and emotions, burying your feelings for long periods of time does not work for most. Know yourself.