Obsessive? Quitter? or Creative/Personal Preference?
Very often we allow others to affect us, in pretty significant ways. It often times affects how we live our lives and how we judge ourselves internally. Here’s an example. Perhaps you are a person who likes to start something new, really get in to it. You spend time learning about it; trying new ways to “spin” it, do all you desire with it and then move on to something else. Perhaps during that you time, you really delve deep and it become a fun “obsession”. It doesn’t affect your life in negative ways. You still do all you need to do to live your life as usual but it stays on your mind and excites you.
It is enjoyable for you until someone close to you suggests that you “never finish anything you start” or that you are “obsessive compulsive”. Over time… as you observe yourself; you may think they are correct. What if they are not? (And they usually aren’t). What if you happen to be a person who enjoys new things, develops some education, skill or art in your venture and then do not want to pursue it any further. You’re done…internally feeling a sense of well-being and accomplishment. Maybe you are someone who likes to start things and get them going but don’t like what may feel like the mundane feeling of maintaining them or doing repetitive tasks.
People do this is business all of the time. They like starting companies, get them rolling and then sell them. We don’t call them quitters or obsessive compulsive for liking a certain part of the process. The same is true for people who like buying companies and selling them or flipping houses after they have spent concentrated time on fixing them up. We call them entrepreneurial, don’t we? We admire their abilities. People do this in the arts as well. They paint an original picture or choreograph new dances. They change their styles. We call this a “period”, a place in time when they were going through something that allowed them to create something different. It could be based on a new learning or a psychological state. We admire this. We celebrate them. We are interested. Careful what you allow yourself to absorb from others judgments of you. Know yourself and allow yourself the freedom to live in ways that make you feel productive, creative and accepted.